Sunday, October 12, 2008

Henry James is 3 months old!!

Well it's been another month and Henry James is 3 months old! This past month has been so much fun watching him grow and learn new things. Since our last post Henry has learned to roll over from his front to his back and to his front again. He's cooing and talking up a storm and has started to reach for and grab things (mommy's hair is apparently the most fun on which to practice this new skill). And the biggest change of all...Henry is sleeping through the night!! Most nights are now nine to ten hours of sleep!! I would say this is probably our most favorite of all the new developments.

Bathtime! Henry sits in his tub like a big boy these days! He loves the bath and is learning to splash around for fun.

A little random cuteness...

Henry made his first trip to Baker Park for a Saturday morning walk. He loves being outside and especially loves looking at the trees!

Henry is working on sitting up these days. Here he is practicing in his pod chair. Such a big change from a month ago when we were holding him up in the seat. He loves his chair and uses it everyday!

Henry's photo session...

On October 4th we took Henry to his first Fall Harvest Days at the Carroll County Farm Museum. The Cornelius family has been attending this event since I was a little girl so it was really special to share it with Henry. He seemed to have a great time being outside and looking at all the sights. Next year he'll be big enough to make a scarecrow but this year it was fun just to sit him next to one.

Later that evening Henry and Daddy watched a little Hockey together.

Henry is just getting big enough for his exersaucer. We like to call it his "cubicle" because he looks like he's at work when he swivels around in it.
Here you can see he's hard at work...

Henry has fallen in love with his football and just in time for the season! Go Steelers!

Aunt Mandi spends lots of time with Henry. This particular day she stopped over and read Henry a story. Aunt Mandi and Uncle Rob are expecting their first baby on April 23, 2009. We can't wait to meet him/her!!!! We love you baby Schoppert!!