Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ready, Set, Go!!!

We can't believe our little Henry is seven months old! At his latest check up he was 20lbs 5 oz and 28 1/2 inches tall. In the past six weeks we've had lots of changes... Henry has grown from his little carrier car seat to a big boy convertible car seat and is eating lots of solid foods now. He is baby babbling these days and working on his "b" and "m" sounds. He's also managed to learn how to stick out his tongue and spit (not an attractive quality but we'll work on that later).
I returned to work on January 5th so Henry began going to daycare. We love our provider and so does Henry. She's extremely attentive to him and has made the transition incredibly smooth for us. She plays classical music during the day for the kids and is teaching them Spanish! But I must say the biggest change of all...Henry is on the move! As of February 7th Henry is crawling! He is climbing on anything and everything (especially mommy) and loves to chase the cats. Crosby and Fee are not too excited about this most recent development as you can imagine...

Jill, Jeff and Charlie came down for New Year's this year. It was the first time Henry had met them in person and it was soooo nice to spend a few days having the families together!
Gearing up for the festivities!

And there was so much to catch up on when Charlie arrived! Here they are having a little meeting of the minds.

It was so much fun watching the boys get to know each other! I'm not sure they knew exactly what to think at first...
But they figured it out!

A little quiet time with Crosby after the party was over...
Henry's favorite seat in the house
Catching up after my first day back at work.

And some random cuteness!!!

Drop and give me twenty!

I'm comin' to get you!!!!!!!